Little Congwong Beach

Lat: -33.99133 - Lon: 151.23819
Unofficial naturist beach
Make your way to La Perouse on Botany Bay and park in the car park just north of Bare Island. Walk down the steps to Congwong Beach then left across the rocks to Little Congwong Beach, the second bay. This beach is very popular on summer weekends.
We have made many intimate friends there either right on the sand when it's not too busy or otherwise just up the bush trail. Even when we have been caught in the act nobody seems to mind. More often than not they will ask to join in or just smile and go on their way. Absolutely fantastic place for free-minded people.
We find other nudists there to be friendly &'s pretty cool in regards to people being aroused/playing about..(we've seen m-f couples & groups of men discreetly enjoying each other since we've been going...) it gets all ages & types, but really most people are just there to enjoy what comes natural- being nude outdoors & maybe meet a friend or two!..@ sydney's best nude beach!
P.S. can anyone tell me what samurai beach & scene is like? & of any naturist groups, clubs or retreats near the sydney area? we wood be most appreciative. thanks
The midweek regulars are friendly and include some couples - very relaxed and friendly - try it