Paleochora beach

Paleochora beach
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Lat: 35.23875 - Lon: 23.72154
To find the nude area standing near the hotels and facing the sea, walk to your right about 250m or more.

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Très bonne plage pour une première expérience. J'y reviendrai l'an prochain.Proximité de la route avec un grand parking.

To add to what I wrote above. The map correctly shows where the beach is. It's a lovely beach but the trek out their along the dirt road can be hot and dusty if you don't have car

The beach in the picture is not excatly in Paleochora itself but is at Gialiskiari below Anidri a few km to the East; The North end of the sandy beach on the edge of Paleochora itself is a long established naturist beach and nudity is often practiced on other beaches in the area and at Sougia although none of them are "official."

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