Le Colombier

85210 Saint Martin-Lars en Sainte Hermine
+33 (0)251 27 83 84
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Lat: 46.59796 - Lon: -0.96937
Established on a 50 ha domain covering an entire valley comprising a small stream, a pond and meadows inserted in 14 ha of forest.
- 120 Camping spaces
- Area 50 hectares
- Swimming pool
- Bar
- WiFi
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An excellent campsite. I had a great time when there recently. The welcome was very friendly, I think the grounds are very thoughtfully and tastefully landscaped and include meadow areas and woodland walks, the bar and shop are very well presented, and very relaxed and friendly spaces, the wash and toilet blocks are well designed and very clean and the pool area is brilliant. In all, a most enjoyable holiday. Highly recommended. GRA.